Cenk’in Cemre ile beklenmedik karşılaşması kaçma kovalamacaya dönüşür. Cemre, Cenk’e asla güvenmez, ne niyetle orada olduğuna inanmaz ve sert bir yüzleşmenin ardından onu atlatmayı başarıp pansiyona döner. Nedim, onu tanıyan pansiyoncudan korkmuş, Cemre’yi uyarmaya çalışır fakat Cemre, Cenk paniğindedir, onu dinlemez, tek derdi hemen o gece oradan kaçmalarıdır.
Zalim İstanbul 11th Episode Summary
Cemre doesn’t trust Cenk at all! Zalim İstanbul is on Kanal D with its new episode on Monday at 20.00!
Cenk and Cemre’s unexpected encounter turns into a chase. Cemre doesn’t trust Cenk at all, she doesn’t believe that he has good intentions and she manages to come back to the hostel after facing him bitterly. Afraid of the hostel employee that recognizes him, Nedim tries to warn Cemre but Cemre is in panic because of Cenk and only thing she can think of is to run away from there at night.
Agah has been pursuing Sahin for a while and it turns out that he’s right suspecting him. Seniz goes behind Agah’s back. Agah is not going to ignore this fact but he has to find his nephew first. Seniz finds out where Nedim and Cemre. However, the only thing she hasn’t taken into account is that her son is one step ahead of Seniz.
Seher struggles to hear from her daughter even when she’s in custody yet the news she hears tears her heart out. The plan that Seniz thinks of as perfect, will turn into a fire that will burn both herself and her son, on top of it, it’ll make her vulnerable to Agah.
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